Review: Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card

Hey everyone, I finally have the review of Ender’s Game for you. I’m feeling really tired this week from all of the running around i’ve been doing to get ready for my work trip. And I haven’t really felt like blogging to be honest. I’ve been incredibly anxious as well but i figured I have time to do one so I might as well!

I really enjoyed this book. There is a war happening between humans and an alien race they call “the buggers”. They’re basically a giant bug species and they attacked a human colony and started a war. The military recruits genius children around the age of 6 for their program. It trains them in killing buggers basically in the form of a combat game. These are not spoilers this happens very early on in the book!

So many things happen to this poor kid. I honestly feel really bad for him. Even though there at 18 (you heard that right, 18) books in this series, both prequels and sequels, I feel like Ender’s Game can be read as a stand alone. I don’t feel the need to read more of the books. I feel like it’s a complete story that doesn’t really need any more wrapping up.

The only issue I have with this book is the author himself. He is against the LGBTQ community and believes in conversion camps. He also believes that women are second class citizens and don’t deserve the same rights as men. Orson Scott Card also believes that women are not as smart as men. This comes out in his writing. There is one female character in battle school. She is portrayed as weaker than the boys. However, he doesn’t portray it in obvious ways so it’s very easy to miss. Because of this I refuse to support him and did not buy this book. I borrowed it. I recommend you do the same if you want to read it. Or get it second hand.

Despite my quarrel with the author himself …

I rate this book:


Have you read this book before? what did you think? what do you think of the author?

As always, thank you for reading!

Kelsey ❤

Life Update

Life has taken a turn. We have another Cat named Salem. he’s a cute lil bean but he eats holes in all my socks and blankets so i have to keep a constant eye out. But he’s a little sweetie pie. We got him in October which is quite a while ago now.

My anxiety was getting the best of me for a long long time. it’s only now just breaking up and I’ve gotten some relief. It’s nice but also feels awkward. i’m so used to feeling tense I forgot what it felt like to be normal. My boyfriend actually commented that I seem a lot happier in the past two days so i’m grateful for that.

My work had a grief workshop come in as one of my co-workers passed and it was affecting every single person. And this is where my breakthrough came from. I feel that I don’t have to hide who I am to my co-workers anymore. It’s okay that i’m a vulnerable anxious mess sometimes. It’s okay to have a breakdown. It’s okay to not be able to handle what life throws at you. And most importantly, it’s okay to be myself.

I’m a goofball, 100%. I like to have a good time and I like to laugh. I’m also compassionate, kind, caring, loyal, and giving. These are all great traits to have. I have had my friends call me and be in a panic and I drop everything to go help them. Even if i’m a mess myself. In those moments my anxiety melts away. I don’t have time to be anxious if i’m helping save everyone else. it’s one of the few moments in my life when I have relief.

This however, does not apply to work. oh no. When i’m at work i’m panicking that a crisis is going to happen and I A. Won’t know how to handle it. or B. That i’ll handle it wrong and mess everything up and disappoint people. A major part of my anxiety is perfectionism. I want to be perfect and I want to do things well. and when I don’t i get so down and disappointed in myself. These are things to work on. But what I got from the grief counselling is already helping me.

We did this exercise in the group where we got a stone with one of the grandfather teachings on them. Mine had the word courageous. Which is funny because I never feel courageous. I was living in a state of fear 24/7. I was scared to do anything. I was doing it obviously, because I can’t just not work. But I wasn’t happy. Last night was the first time in a long time that I was excited to go to work, and be there. This is a major breakthrough for me and i’m so happy that my work was able to do this for us. it’s made a huge difference in my life already and it’s only been 2 days since we started.

I’m excited to see what the future holds for me, and i’m excited to bug my boyfriend about marriage again 😂😉 Sorry babe.

I’m hoping to keep up with this blog as I miss it. Even if i only use it to post general stuff about my life. Thank you for reading.

~Kelsey ✨